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Lifting Electromagnet Co., Ltd
Address: Yueyang Lengshuipu 888
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Series MW12 lifting electromagnet used for lifting rod bundle

Source:Lifting Electromagnet Co., Ltd Yueyang  Date:2011/9/3 10:18:21  Popularity:


This series product is through a strong magnetic circuit design, can penetrate the multi-gap; adapt to lifting binding bar; also lifting large steel ingot or the ingot mold.


MW12 Series Lifting Electromagnet diagram timber holding binding

MW12 Series Lifting Electromagnet strapping holding the main parameters of timber

型号 外形尺寸(mm) 质量(kg) 电流(A) 功率(kw) 4台起吊能力举例
A B C D E F G 棒材直径(mm) 单捆直径(mm) 长度(m) 每捆重量(T) 吊运捆数
MW12-11590L/G 1150 890 800 300 160 90 28 1450 32 7 Ф16-51 Ф300 9-12 2 3
MW12-14090L/G 1400 870 900 400 160 90 28 1700 41 9 Ф16-51 Ф300 9-12 2 4
MW12-70100L/G 700 1000 800 300 160 90 28 1250 20 4.5 Ф10-32 Ф300 9-12 2.5 2
MW12-10090L/G 1000 900 800 310 160 90 28 1400 30 6.5 Ф10-32 Ф300 9-12 2.5 3
MW12-11090L/G 1100 900 900 300 160 90 28 1500 32 7 Ф9-32 Ф300 9-12 3 3
MW12-15090L/G 1495 924 1045 650 210 120 30 2200 39 8.6 Ф12-40 Ф250-300 9-12 3 4
MW12-180100L/G 1800 1060 1450 650 210 120 30 2500 50 10.2 Ф12-40 Ф300-360 9-12 3 4
Address: Yueyang City, Yueyang Tower district Lengshuipu 888  Tel:0730-8611511   Technical Service Hotline:13873019788   E-mail:
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