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MW22 Series Lifting Electromagnet with a lifting beam

Source:Lifting Electromagnet Co., Ltd Yueyang  Date:2011/9/3 10:13:18  Popularity:


For the early lifting of large ingots and billets rolled, steel and so on. Different types of steel used for different circuit design. The series is divided into I-beam, the beginning of rolling billets, beam blanks, rolls of wire (coiled) lifting electromagnet.


Schematic diagram of electromagnet lifting beam

Electromagnet lifting beam parameters at room temperature technologies:

型号 MW22-8060L MW22-11060L MW22-120100L MW22-140100L MW22-140150L
外形尺寸(mm) A 800 1100 1200 1400 1400
B 600 600 1000 1000 1500
C 900 900 950 1100 1100
D 300 300 300 900 900
E 110 110 125 125 125
F 180 180 200 200 200
G 32 32 38 38 38
质量(kg) 1000 1300 2400 2000 3000
电流(A) 34.1 27.3 45.5 63.6 81.9
功率(kw) 7.5 6 10 14 18
起吊能力(表内大截面工字钢如果没有捆扎,也可以吊起一层) 最小规格 10号工字钢 10号工字钢 10号工字钢 10号工字钢 10号工字钢
最大规格 20a号工字钢 30a号工字钢 63a号工字钢 50a号工字钢 50a号工字钢
最大长度(mm) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
捆扎宽度(mm) 500 500 1000 650 650
单捆重量(kg) 5000 4000/6000 15000 3000/5000 4500/6000
捆数 四台吊1捆 四台吊2捆/1捆 四台吊1捆 四台吊4捆/2捆 四台吊4捆/2捆
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